Bashar – The 33rd Parallel – MP4
Session Date: April 13, 2013
Location: Sedona, AZ
Session Length: Approx 4 hours
An introduction to the principles of parallel incarnations by Willa Hillicrissing, a parallel reality specialist from 700 years in our future.
Q&A includes:
• I’m a past-life regression therapist. If all time exists now, how can I help people help themselves in the now?
• What would you say to people who want spaceships to take them away?
• Is Bashar physical?
• What are some examples of Bashar’s highest excitement?
• What is your perspective on Ascended Masters and Christ Consciousness?
• Your ship is above balancing out the Earth’s energy. You would have to assume that we are very out of balance for that to be necessary!
• What is the purpose chemtrails?
• Could you give your perspective on Jesus?
• Getting to the bottom of a “Pain in my neck.”
• Is integration about trusting?
• How can we embrace self love?
• Are all the 33rd Parallel Cryptics female? What are their appearances?
• Where do the cryptics live on the planet?
• Did the cryptics come out of the hybridization program?
• Am I related genetically to my friend’s hybrid son?
• Exploring more about Willa’s PIN chart.
• Bashar speaks on vortices and Upheaval Dome, Utah.
• Is Glastonbury, England a good place to set up a hybrid community?
• I’m not hearing all the messages by guides send me. Is there something wrong with my hearing?
• From your perspective, how do you perceive Kundalini in the human form?
• How can one not unintentionally hurt others?
• What happens to the frames in the filmstrip that are not perceived?
• Bashar reflects on why Angel Valley’s large meeting tent blew down last week.
• What does Bashar experience on his end during the transmissions?
• What question do you wish we would ask? And what would be your answer to it?
• Since all souls exist simultaneously in multiple realities, are all souls in polyamorous relationships?
• Can you give your perspective on destiny and free will?
• Why am I not remembering my dreams?
• How can I work with my 2nd Chakra?
• Questioner didn’t put her name in the basket!
• How do you turn around negative synchronicities?
• Bashar speaks on “The Trickster” archetype.
• How questioner’s weight issue relates to the ET hybridization program.
• How are dolphins connected to our friends in the stars?
• Are the “Mothman Prophecies” real?
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