Benny Meng – Ip Man Wing Chun Series 3-4: Chum Kiu
Introduces footwork and movement, teaching you how to generate power in all directions. It examines motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts, tactics and applications.
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 3-4: Chum Kiu DVD
by Benny Meng and the Ving Tsun Museum
This DVD is the combination of video series vol. 3 Chum Kiu (The Combat Bridge) & vol. 4 Chum Kiu (The Combat Bridge) Training Exercises & Applications.
Yip Man once said that if a student – having attained the skills of Siu Nim Tau and Chum Kiu – ever lost a fight, he would throw himself off the roof of the Restaurant Workers Union. He never had to make good on that promise, due to the excellent training provided in this lineage of Wing Chun.
Wing Chun Series Vol 3 – Chum Kiu (The Combat Bridge)
This third video in a series of videos presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system, builds on the two previous tapes, bringing you into the intermediate level of training. The Chum Kiu set introduces footwork and movement through body unity, teaching you how to generate power through all directions – up/down, twisting left/right, and stepping forward/backward/sideways. It examines the motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts and tactics, and applications introduced in the Siu Nim Tau set with the added dimension of movement. The information is presented in several formats throughout the video – solo, partner demonstration, and application – giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage. (approx. 60 min.)
Wing Chun Series Vol 4 – Chum Kiu (The Combat Bridge) Training Exercises & Applications
This fourth video builds on the format demonstrated in the three tapes, this time presenting the Chi Sau level of exercises and drills for the Chum Kiu student. These exercises and drills directly relate to the Chum Kiu set, reinforcing body mechanics and introducing the element of stepping and dynamic balance in all directions. Luk Sau, Jip Sau, Jau Sau, Teui Mah, and Don Da are covered through motions and techniques, forms and body mechanics, attributes, concepts and tactics, and applications. By having skill in these exercises and drills, the student is training his hands and body to be on auto-pilot to react spontaneously and correctly to changing situations. (approx. 60 min.)
Customer/3rd Party Review – This review was done by a customer/3rd party and is listed here for you reference only. The views and opinions of the reviewer are not those of Everything Wing Chun and do not necessarily reflect EWC’s views or opinions on the subject matter. It is posted, like all customer reviews, to give you more info on the product and to give you different opinions on a product so that you can make the best decision for yourself about its content. The review is NOT by an EWC employee or contractor and EWC cannot stand by anything said in any customer/3rd party review. Enjoy!
Review 1:
Reviewed by John Swails
The Chum Kiu (Combat Bridge) DVD series is a solid introduction to the Chum Kiu form. From beginning to end, Benny Meng gives a clear breakdown of each movement with the Chum Kiu form, and their role in the combat application of a Wing Chun fighter. Meng also demonstrates the formsí usefulness and application inside Chi Sau. The quality of the DVD is not A+ so the review will not reflect a five star rating. However, the DVD was shot in a studio environment and the sound quality (while not great) is still clear enough that you wonít have any trouble following along. For any and all Wing Chun practitioners, this is one DVD that you will want to consider for your library.
Review 2 of: VTM Wing Chun Series #3 Chum Kiu: The Combat Bridge By Sifu Benny Meng
By: Todd Taganashi
Part 1:
Chum Kiu: The Combat Bridge Part One is the third episode in the VTM Wing Chun Series. In the Sil Nim Tao video parts one and two, Sifu Meng taught us the fundamentals of the Wing Chun system in order to establish a solid foundation and understanding in the basic concepts and techniques. At the Chum Kiu level Sifu Meng introduces the student to the more advanced fighting concepts, such as generating power through forward momentum and two directional force. Although footwork is taught at the Sil Nim Tao level it is at the Chum Kiu level and in the Chum Kiu form that the advanced concepts of generating power through footwork and mobility are taught. Sifu Meng uses a slightly different teaching method in this video than in the previous. After going over the main techniques that are taught at this level, he spends most of his time on the movements of the Chum Kiu form one by one. Sifu Meng talks in detail about the little things that are so important in each movement of the Chum Kiu form such, as balance and positioning. This video also contains training drills using the focus mitts and kicking shields, giving the student a chance to start working their striking and targeting skills. It is obvious that Sifu Meng is preparing the student for the application phase of training as he emphasizes the concepts of efficiency and economy of motion. Overall I would say that this Chum Kiu DVD has touched on points that are not usually covered on this topic in video format. Sifu Meng always goes all out in his teaching and demonstrations. If you buy any of his videos you should expect a high-quality production and an exceptional learning experience. Of course putting the time and effort into training is up to you, but through his VTM Wing Chun DVD series Sifu Benny Meng has provided a map to guide you on your journey.
Part 2:
Well, if I had to say which DVD contained the most practical instruction for students at the intermediate stage of Wing Chun training, this would be it. But be warned; without spending a good amount of time training in the exercises taught in the previous videos you will have a difficult time at this level. In this video Sifu Meng teaches the two-handed Chi Sau drills so crucial to the development of the Wing Chun Fighter. It is really great to have a qualified master of Wing Chun spend so much time going over the small details of Chi Sau. Sifu Meng takes the time to point out the importance of energy and positioning that can really make the difference when “playing” Chi Sau. In fact he is so good at teaching this that during his demonstrations you can literally see when he is about to seize the opportunity to exploit the opponents weakness. He also makes it a point to ask the viewer to see if they can recognize the Chi Sau techniques in practice. I must say that his assistant Jeremy Roadruck, who is an experienced Sifu, helped a lot in making the Chi Sau segments one of the best of the entire VTM Wing Chun Series. It is great to see two very experienced Wing Chun men training together. The Chi Sau lesson concludes with Sifu Meng doing a blindfolded demonstration — top notch! I have seen Chi Sau go to the point of almost all-out sparring, or played as if it were a game of tag where the guy who gets the most hits wins. Sifu Meng makes it a point to explain that Chi Sau is a training exercise, and in order for both sides to learn equally there has to be a sort of cooperative give and take of energy and technique. He goes on to explain that it is up to the more advanced students to work with the less experienced students and bring them up to their level. This is part of the “family helps each other” philosophy, which should be present at every martial arts school. For the techniques and combinations, Sifu Meng spends a good amount of time teaching four basic movements and their drills to set the base for Chi Sau practice. I imagine that this being somewhat the application phase of development that Sifu Meng wanted to end this video with a lesson on the important subject of Ranges of Combat and where Wing Chun fits in. We are shown the advantages and the disadvantages of various fighting ranges and then given a demonstration of Wing Chun’s optimal range of combat. The video concludes with Sifu Jeremy Roadruck giving an overview of the lessons taught in the Sil Nim Tao and Chum Kiu videos.
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